Economy gastronomy? Hay boxes, Wonderbags and insulation cookery

Several years I met a rather wonderful hippie elder, who told me that she used to make yoghurt in bed in the seventies; if you heated the milk in the morning and put it under the duvet it would stay warm and fermenting all day and by evening you would not only have homemade yoghurt … Continue reading Economy gastronomy? Hay boxes, Wonderbags and insulation cookery

“Let them eat weeds”: Foraging is not a solution to food poverty

Dandelions growing along the edge of a shingle road at the base of some concrete steps. Stuart Rankin, CC0 licensed I love foraging for wild food, as a way of exploring new flavours, learning more about the natural world around me and deepening my connection to it. My walk to work across the university campus … Continue reading “Let them eat weeds”: Foraging is not a solution to food poverty